Monday, December 20, 2010

big girl!

Musielismy calkowicie obnizyc barierke w lozeczku, bo nasza mala DUZA Zosia umie sie wyspinac z luzeczka!

Zosia oczwiscie pomagala tacie, nawet razem pojechali po srubki do sklepu!
Ta nasza mala kokosia to piszczala z radosci na to "nowe" legowisko!
Mnie sie natomiast lezka w oku zakrecila, moja dzidzia juz nie jest dzidiza i spi w "duzym lozku."

Sunday, December 12, 2010


W ten weekend ubralismy choinke.
Ja chcialam czekac az do wigilii, zgodnie z Polska tradycja.
Jeff na to ze to jest bardzo staroswieckie i a co najwazniejsze nie bedzie dobrych choinek 24 grudnia!
Nie mialam innego wyboru tylko zgodzic sie na choinke. Wybralismy sie z gangiem Laughlinow na poszukiwanie idealnej choinki!

Jeff byl zatakowany przez mlodsza siostre. Tak naprawde to on zaczol bitwe sniezna.

A tu kilka zdiec Sofii u babci Peg w domu i z nasza choinka.
Zosi najnowsze slowo to "swiatla" heheh, jest zafascynowana wszystkim co sie blyszczy! Nie mamy na maszej choince nic szklanego, (tylko aniol na czubku dzewa) zeby Zosia sie nie skaleczyla.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Maly pomocnik mamy. Mommy's Little Helper

Sofia uwielbia myc naczynia! Mam nadzieje ze jej tak zostanie i bedzie mi pomagac w domowych obowiazkach nawat jak bedzie nastolatka.
Jak tylko slyszy ze bedziemy myc naczynia albo caly zlew jest zawalony garani to Zosia usiluje przesunac "wieze"(ten duzy stolek) w kierunku kuchni i zaklada fartuch. Bardzo lubi przelewac wode, bawic sie piana i ma nawet wlasna myjke! Coprawda po takim pomocniku mam litr wody na podlodze i musze za nia sprzatac - wszystko jest to warte widziec jej usmiechnieta i podekscytowana buzinke!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Krochmal i pianka do golenia/playing with shaving cream and cornstarch

Co sie robi z krochmalem w domu, w ktorym nawet sie nie prasuje nie mowiac juz o krochmaleniu?

Sofia jest w gumiakach - nosila je caly dzien! A ten pociag w tle, to dzielo Zosi :-) w bibliotece jest program gdzie pani albo pan czyta ksiazki, dzieci spiewaja piosenki i robia projekty plastyczne. A najlepsze ze to jest za darmo! I panie bibliotekarki wycinaly te pociagi!

Co robi sie z pianka do golenia jak jedyny mezczyzna w domu ma brode?

Sofia swietnie sie bawila! Zapomnielismy zalozyc fartuszka.... "a dirty kid is a happy kid" - brudny dzieciak jest szczesliwym dzieckiem!
Codziennie staramy sie robic cos kreatywnego. Jutro malujemy farbami!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Few weeks ago we went to Ploki, village next to us. It was ODPUST – once a year celebration of the church's name, something like birthday of the church.

We bought few gadgets for Sofia, she loved the steps!


Sofia LOVES my parent's kitty cat!

She is very gentle with it, she pats him and trys to hug him, crawls under the table and look for the kitty.

She become good fiends with my dad because of the kitty, thy always go and look for the cat. It is funny -Sofia goes “miaw” when she see grandpa!


We had such fun weekend!

On Saturday my childhood friend Marysia came over.

It was great to catch up with her, and introduce my baby girl to her.

We baked potatoes in big pen over the firer. Marysia help with cutting kielbasa :-)

Sofia was enjoying outdoors, and potatoes – she was eating with big spun!

She played with wood ashes and Marysia was totally surprise that I let her play with it!

Few pictures from that fun day.

Today we went to old monastery in Czerna. It was build in 1640, it is only 20 km from my parent house. Sundays are all about church! I forgot about it. So we went to beautiful old church, we walk in the woods and we got some “miricle” water. Sofia loved drinking it!

During the mass we had to go outside, because Sofia want to explore and check out all the babies!

So beautiful!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Work, work and more work! I have been working in my parent yard a lot! and there is so much more work to be done. The front yard, side yard, back yard, very back yard!
This is picture of one project.I add much more rack so the grass will not grow so fast. I wish that i had so many rock in my yard, so (i)Jeff could build a stone wall!


From left Dawid, Jas, Kamil and Kinga(Tomek's kids. Tomek and Ewa are siblings)Sofia and Kinga.

We went visit my cousins in mountains for few days. We stayed in aunt Marysia house.
Her daughter Ewa has 3 great kids - Dawid 5years old, Kinga 3y, and Jas 2y. The kids could not wait to meet "little" Zosia.
Sofia was very exited and overwhelmed by all the kids, but by the 3rd day she was screaming and holding toys if somebody waned to grab it from her. Jas would bring her baby stroller, Kinga give her her old doll and Sofia loved watching(with open mouth) David playing with cars and then coping him. Mz favorite was using coffee table's legs as a road/tracks!